Inherently loyal and extremely protective, wolf-shifters are a rare species. They inherit their unique abilities genetically, meaning both of their parents must be wolf-shifters. They are monogamous by nature and are said to mate for life when they find the right person. As a wolf-shifter, they can shift into wolf form at any time and are not bound by the full moon. Abilities include:
superhuman strength, speed, heightened senses, increased agility and reflexes, enhanced stamina, healing factor, and longevity.
 They are susceptible to human illnesses, though their healing factor and increased body temperature give them a slight advantage, and they may be killed in similar ways to humans. Wolf-shifers have a "half-form" in which they can use their wolf-like strength, claws, and senses while retaining much of their human form. In this state, their eyes will glow a bright yellow. Unlike werewolves, wolf-shifters do not display as much physical strength in their half-form, but their senses are much keener.

Vampires are supernatural beings that feed off human blood. All vampires have fangs, though they are usually only visible when a vampire is about to feed or fight. Objects such as crosses, holy water, and garlic do not affect them, but they must ask for permission before crossing the threshold into someone's home. One of the fews myths that happen to be true about vampires is that they do not have reflections. The only way to kill a vampire is through decapitation, a wooden stake through the heart, or direct ultraviolet light. A vampire will disintegrate into a pile of ash when decapitated or staked, and burst into flames when in contact with UV light. Abilities include:
advanced healing factor, superhuman strength and speed, enhanced senses, superhuman endurance, and immortality.
 Vampires cannot reproduce but they can sire other vampires by draining all the blood of their victim and then offering their own blood.

Werewolves are similar to the wolf-shifters in that they can shape-shift between human and wolf forms, but they can only change during the full moon until they become strong enough to transform at will. Unlike their wolf-shifter counterparts who are quite territorial and function collectively in a pack, werewolves are oftentimes solitary and independent, though forming small, close-knit groups is not totally uncommon. Their wolf-form is also slightly different in that they stand upright, utilizing their razor-sharp claws and powerful jaws with deadly accuracy. Abilities include:
superhuman strength, speed, increased reflexes, heightened senses, physical resilience, advanced healing factor, and longevity.
 They are highly allergic to silver, even their eyes are sensitive to any light reflecting off a silver surface. Excessive amounts of silver in the body dampens their regenerative abilities and will eventually lead to death. When in their wolf-form, werewolves are much stronger and more resilient, but at the cost of some of their higher cerebral functions, meaning they are usually driven by primal instincts while in this form. Werewolves have been known to bite humans, causing them to turn. However, humans do not always survive being bitten as the change is violent and very painful.

Hailing from the mythological aquatic creatures known as mermaids, sirens are a supernatural species that rely heavily on their voices. Take away a siren's voice, take away their power. Abilities include:
to placate, control, kill, and alleviate pain with their voice.
 In addition to their vocal abilities, all sirens are gifted with longevity. In rare cases, pureblooded sirens will still be able to transform into their mermaid form with the head, arms, and torso of a human but the tail of a fish. This is only achieved when their entire body is fully submerged in salt water. Once on dry land, they will transform back into their human form. However, because blood lines have been diluted over the centuries, these sirens are few and far between. But in these cases, the sirens must submerge themselves in water at least once a month or they will die. In general, sirens are susceptible to human diseases and may be killed in similar ways.

Succubi are female beings who feed off a victim's sexual energy in order to survive. This may be accomplished through various means, ranging from kissing to sexual intercourse. Incubi are their male counterparts. Abilities include:
superior strength, enhanced speed and agility, advanced healing abilities based on their feeding, longevity, and seductive touch.
 When succubi/incubi feed off sexual energy, they are essentially draining the victim's life force, which can lead to harm or death. The ability to keep from killing humans is an acquired skill. Supernatural beings are typically stronger, usually leaving them in a weakened and confused state after a feeding is complete. Feeding also allows succubi/incubi to heal at an accelerated rate and when fully fed, they are stronger and faster with a greater resistance to harm. Succubi/incubi have the unique ability to seduce through physical contact, oftentimes leaving victims consumed with them until skin contact is broken. However, their touch is known to effect everyone differently, supernatural and human beings alike. While some find it irresistible, others may only find it pleasurable but still be able to resist their spell. Like sirens, they are susceptible to human diseases and may be killed in similar ways. Unfortunately, succubi cannot reproduce, leaving the continuation of their race dependent on the incubi.

Witches are female supernatural beings who possess powerful magical abilities. Warlocks are their male counterparts. While witches and warlocks do not have a specific set of powers or abilities as many of the other supernatural races do, witches and warlocks have an affinity for anything with magical properties. Many are known and sought out for their knowledge of ancient spells and rituals, which are usually passed down from generation to generation, ranging from simple locator spells to complex protection spells. Despite being gifted with longevity, witches and warlocks share the same weaknesses as humans and may be killed in similar ways. Overuse of magic has been known to cause physical ailments such as nosebleeds or headaches and in very extreme cases, death.

This supernatural species is further broken down into four sub-species, each with control over one of the four elements: fire, water (ice), earth, and air. They are each given the ability to generate and manipulate their respective element. Like all other supernatural beings, they are gifted with longevity but are weakened and may be killed by the same things as humans.

This supernatural species includes those with one of the following mentality-based abilities: telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, and psychometry. It is important to note that this is the only species not gifted with longevity. Some may even decline with the continued use of their abilities, oftentimes leading to Alzheimer's and other mental degenerative diseases.