the premise
Welcome to ~cabals! Our community is based in a world where supernatural beings are more than just scary bedime stories, but are actual things that go bump in the night. This comm has gathered inspiration from various supernatural books and tv shows, but it is mostly based off the tv show Lost Girl and the community ~shifting.

This will be a plot-driven comm that is set in a fictional version of New Orleans, Louisiana amidst the power struggle of two enemy factions: the Light and the Dark. Not long after puberty and the resulting display of powers, a side must be chosen. Once fealties have been sworn, loyalties must remain with that side forever. Through the years, the division between the Light and the Dark has led to many feuds and rebellions; a constant struggle for power and domination that could very easily be tipped one way or the other. Not that long ago, a deal was fostered between the leaders of both sides when they realized that it was pointless to keep fighting amongst themselves. This deal has brought with it a time of uneasy peace. But there is something coming; something old and powerful and terrifying. And with it, a new power struggle might begin again.

So what's the deal with this deal? The gist is that one side will not consort with the other, and there is an agreement that neither will cross into the others' territory. There are boundary lines between Light and Dark territory that cannot be crossed. There are a some places of neutral ground where opposing factions may conincide, but these are few and far between. Besides the general feeling of contempt over associating with the rival side, relationships (romantic or otherwise) are often viewed as treasonous and may even be punishable by death. There are perks to being part of a faction, as you receive the protection of said faction. No one has ever been neutral.

Our goal for ~cabals is to create a fun, active, and friendly environment to write in. However, we cannot promise a totally safe environment for your characters. Things are going to happen, foundations are going to be shaken. We're going to try and push the envelope, throw characters into dangerous and scary situations. We hope that this is a place you'll want to jump right on into because we're here to write just as much as you are, and if you're willing to stick it out with us, we'll be here for you too.

the rule book
Everyone should already be well-versed in the basic rules of roleplay, but if you're new or you're still a little unsure, our rules are pretty simple.
Please do not cross in character and out of character lines. We don't require you to run your ideas by us, but if it will directly impact our plot or any characters besides your own, please discuss it ooc beforehand. It's the polite thing to do.

Stay active with posts, comments, threads, group threads, narratives, etc. We want to create an environment where you can explore whatever facet of your character you like. We're not about restricting creativity, so let your imagination run wild.

We encourage posting threads on the friends page, though it is not required. The plan is for this comm to be very plot-heavy and as a result, lots of writing will be taking place. We will also be posting various group threads with community wide events that we will require participation in. We just want everyone to be comfortable enough to post what they write without feeling like there will be any judgement.

Be welcoming and friendly. And most of all, have fun. That's what rp is all about!
Please feel free to abuse the dropbox if you have any questions, comments, or feedback. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to having you!

before applying
All of the information regarding applying is located in the application. Journal names may be in character or out of character as long as they have something to do with your character. Please, no extra letters, underscores, or numbers. Joining is based primarily on examples, but the small blurb or list of facts will be reviewed to make sure everyone can get a feel for what your character is like. Examples should include two scenes with at least three or more replies and one journal update or narrative. Compilation journals are preferred, but not necessary.

Please note: This is going to start as a small plot-driven gpsl. This means that after first adds, the only way to be accepted into the comm is to have an invite from an existing player. There is currently no limit to the number of invites each player has. We want to make sure this comm gets off the ground before adding a bunch of new members, so invites will be available after first adds. During the first round of adds, we reserve the right to cap a certain species if we find that one is being held more than another. The species list may be found here.

activity reqs
We don't like to put any activity requirements because this is a writing community and our hope is that members are having enough fun to be active on their own, but some kind of update whether it's a thread, participation in a group thread, a narrative, or a first-person entry will be required monthly as well as one random update, which can include just about anything. Like we said before, get creative with updates! We like to read new things. We are not going to require that threads be posted in the threading community, only that they be visible to the mod journal when it's time for activity checks. However, posting threads on the friends page is encouraged! We do allow extensions on updates, up to two weeks or a month depending on the situation. We realize that real life comes first, but if you were granted an extension for the previous activity check, another will not be granted.

Because we are lenient on some aspects of activity doesn't mean that a character can go silent for a long period of time without meeting some repercussions. We are a gpsl, which means that if you are not active, you are taking someone's spot who might want to be. Activity will be monitored, including commenting and interacting with other players. If needed, we will look into situations when they arise if characters are no longer being active. We will always try to get in touch with you first, but if no activity is seen within the month, characters will be up for override or removal.